
RFP Template for the Development of a Digital Bank Application and Branch Digitization Services

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Request for Proposal (RFP) Description: Development of Digital Banking and branch Digitization Services

Overview: This RFP solicits proposals from experienced vendors to design, develop, and deploy a comprehensive digital banking solution and branch digitization services, ensuring adherence to recognized security standards and enhancing customer experience, especially for the millennial demographic.

Broad Scope of Work:

  • Security and Standards Adherence:
    • Incorporation of security features in line with PCI-DSS/PADSS standards and Digital Payment Security Controls.
    • Adherence to Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Top 10 Mobile Vulnerability Report Guidelines.
  • Digital Banking Application Development:
    • Emphasis on superior UI and UX.
    • Digital onboarding, virtual and physical debit card services.
    • Facilitation of financial services such as account opening, fixed and recurring deposits, bill payments, fund transfers, credit card applications, and wealth management services.
    • Non-financial services including spend analytics, account-related service requests, beneficiary management, and centralized authentication management.
    • Admin module for bank staff, ensuring ease of management and dynamic report generation.
    • Flexibility to integrate additional services as needed.
  • Branch Digitization Services:
    • Account Opening Portal: Seamless, reduced TAT account creation process.
    • Digital Register for Deliverables: Real-time, centrally monitored deliverables register.
    • Internal Application Aggregator Platform: Aggregated, role-based access to workflow tools for bank employees.
    • Capturing of Requests during Customer Visit: On-the-go capture of visit details, including location, images, and minutes of meetings.

Technology Stack Requirements: Depending on the nature of the solution (platform-based or customized), different technology stacks are expected.

  • Frontend: AngularJS, ReactNative, HTML & CSS, Ionic.js (Vue.JS/AngularJS/React).
  • Middle Tier: Microservices (Java Sprintboot, NodeJS, Python), Logging tools, and API Documentation tools.
  • Datastore/Message queuing: RDBMS solutions or NoSQL DB, along with Message Queuing systems.

Vendors are expected to delve into the provided annexures in this RFP for further details on functional and technical requirements. Proposals should demonstrate a clear understanding of the project’s objectives and a robust strategy to achieve them.